Creating a culture of wellness  


If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far. -Daniel Goleman

Self-Care/Stress Management Sessions:

I offer support in the planning and integration of self-care routines in order to mitigate emotional distress and sustain optimal wellness. In addition to planning and integration, sessions are used to process experiences, develop skills to manage emotional distress and to create more opportunities to generate well-being.

Individual Therapy:

I offer support through individual therapy if:

  • You are interested in exploring your early attachment to your caregivers and want to learn more about how those experiences impact your current relationships and interpersonal interactions

  • You are noticing challenges in maintaining calm and you find yourself easily triggered or frustrated

  • You are experiencing major life transitions, including:

    • changes in your job

    • the loss of a loved one

    • the beginning or ending of a relationship, doubts about your relationship, challenges connecting with others in deep and meaningful ways

    • growing your family

    • transitioning to parenthood

Parent Consultations:  
I enjoy working with parents/caretakers as it pertains to the adjustment of difficult transitions across the parent-child dyad. These transitions range from vertical and horizontal stressors that disrupt the family system, such as divorce and co-parenting, exposure to trauma and adverse childhood experiences and various difficulties adapting to changes across child development (infancy to adolescence).

Infant Mental Health:

I have extensive experience working with parents who seek to strengthen their emotional connection with their young child, by learning strategies to effectively manage their own emotional distress and the emotional distress of their young child (0-5). My approach places special emphasis on relationships, interactions, emotions and knowledge of a young child’s needs. Cultivating a securely attached connection between the parent and young child expands the parent’s capacity to meet both their own social and emotional needs, and the social and emotional needs of their young child. I offer Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) – for parents and young children (ages 0-5). CPP is a relationship-based, evidence-based treatment for disorders of attachment.

 Individual Clinical Consultation in Infant Mental Health: 

I offer individual clinical consultation to help fully licensed clinical social workers develop skills in infant mental health, review cases, discuss clinical diagnosis and interventions, suggest ways to improve their private practice, or discuss personal career goals. Sessions include written follow up with recommendations addressing areas of concern, to bolster success in infant mental health.